Interesting Quotes

Life is living. Living is experiencing.

Stop seeking wisdom from wealthy people. Financial success doesn’t require wisdom.

History is in the hands of the writers.

If you have to pick a side, always pick the side of humanity.

I am woke, for I think, and therefore they fear.

The more time saving devices and processes we invent, the more we find to fill the time we saved.

We spend our entire life trying to make our live meaningful without truly knowing the meaning of life.

Education is the key to unlocking growth and potential. It equips us with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking, enabling us to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

When integrity leaves politics, democracy dies.

Be the change you want to see and change will happen.

I have seen the End.
The End is death.
The End is peaceful.
There is nothing to fear about the End.
There is nothing beyond the End.
The End is the End.

For democracy to truly work, you need everyone participating in it to be a critical thinker.

Sometimes what you need is all you need.

Sometimes you can read yourself out of a good idea.

Whatever they do, always do what is right.

I judge people base solely on their deeds, character, and words not on their position, wealth, titles, prefixes or suffixes, age, gender, colour, and/or race.

This means I spend a lot of time learning about someone before forming an opinion about them.

Once you accept that life is not a race and you understand that you don’t have to keep up with anyone then and only then will you start to enjoy the journey.

Stand for something.

The absence of purpose, contentment and empathy in people is the source of the despair we witness in our world.

You have the right to speak. I have the right not to listen.

If history matters then we must stop photoshopping it. We must present the whole truth.

If the purpose and destination are clear, we can almost always find a path to a solution.

When I go, I want people to say ‘he did life his way’. Live your life not theirs.

I would love to see The Sunday Times one year publish the Generosity List instead of the Rich List.

Wealth is so much more than just money.

When you give, expect nothing in return. This way, you will never be disappointed but occasionally surprised.

There is no such thing as Free Speech on someone else’s property. The only right you have when you are on someone else’s property is, the right to leave.

A simple life, is a happy life.

No one dies before their time.

We must move on from the past. For it is already set. We must look to the future. For it is that, that our present can shape.

When you can stand independently, then and only then, can you be truly be free. To be able to stand independently does not mean, working independently.

A business was planned, only when it is successful.

The secret to achieving anything is just taking the first step.

Spend your time building memories with the people you love.

One man’s propaganda is another man’s marketing.

Where there is hope, there, we find order. Where there is no hope, there, we find chaos.

Our purpose in life is to be remembered. How and what is remembered is down to the choices we make.

Once in a while life gives us an opportunity to change course by forcefully nudging us from a determined path.

Never let anyone define your success. One of the key steps to true happiness is defining your own success.

Whenever I am asked what the differences are between the Labour and Conservative parties, I just say this. Labour sees the welfare system as a safety net. The Conservatives see the welfare system as a trampoline.

A safety net and a trampoline will save you from a fall but a safety net keeps you down while a trampoline bounces you back up.