In unity, we find our might

In fields where poppies gently sway,
Soldiers rest in quiet array.
Diverse heroes, side by side,
In freedom’s name, they did abide.

From distant lands and varied creeds,
United in courageous deeds.
A tapestry of strength they wove,
In sacrifice, they found a trove.

Through battles fought, and struggles vast,
They stood together till the last.
No matter colour, faith, or birth,
They served with valour, proving worth.

In silence deep, their stories told,
Of bravery and hearts so bold.
On Remembrance Day, we recall,
The ones who answered duty’s call.

In unity, they found their might,
A rainbow in the darkest night.
For every soul that rests in peace,
A grateful heart will never cease.

On this solemn day, we stand,
Remembering the brave, the grand.
Their diverse spirits, a beacon’s glow,
In our hearts, their legacy will grow.





With a lot of help from ChatGPT

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