Could giants have walked the Earth? A theory worth considering

As an ordinary thinker and not a scientist, I’ve found myself questioning the widely accepted history of our planet. What if there’s more to the story than what we’ve been told? For years, I’ve wondered if giant humans once roamed the Earth, coexisting with the dinosaurs and contributing to the construction of some of the most awe-inspiring structures still standing today. This is not a claim rooted in formal science, but rather a theory inspired by curiosity and a deep desire to connect the dots in human history. I believe it’s time to consider the possibility that giants could have existed and to question whether these ancient beings may have played a role in shaping our civilisation.

Could Giants Have Coexisted with Dinosaurs?

The traditional timeline tells us that humans and dinosaurs did not overlap. Dinosaurs went extinct around 65 million years ago, while modern humans (Homo sapiens) only appeared around 300,000 years ago. However, throughout history, many ancient cultures have shared stories of giant beings – whether in religious texts, mythologies, or folklore. These giants are depicted as larger-than-life figures who built massive structures or performed extraordinary feats. Could these stories contain elements of truth? Could a species of giant humans have once coexisted with dinosaurs and survived long enough to leave a lasting impact?

One compelling question to ponder is whether the fossils and bones of giant humans simply haven’t been found or are not recognised for what they are. Perhaps the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs also led to the demise of these giant beings. After all, we know that a significant event – most likely a massive asteroid impact – caused widespread extinction. The larger an animal (or human), the more resources it requires to survive. A sudden change in the Earth’s environment, such as a lack of food, water, or oxygen, would disproportionately affect larger species. It’s plausible that the same event that led to the extinction of dinosaurs also sealed the fate of these ancient giants.

Evidence of Giant Beings in Human Structures

When we examine the construction of monumental structures like the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan cities, or the Olmec colossal heads, one has to marvel at the precision, scale, and ingenuity required to create them. These structures were built using stone blocks so heavy that even with today’s technology, it remains a mystery how ancient civilisations managed to move and position them with such accuracy. Could it be that we’ve underestimated the capabilities of these ancient builders because we’ve overlooked the possibility that they may have been much larger than we are today?

Take the Olmec colossal heads, for example. These massive stone sculptures, some weighing up to 50 tons, depict human-like faces with distinctive features. How did a civilisation over 3,000 years ago, with no known access to advanced technology or machinery, carve and transport such massive stones? Could these heads represent actual giant humans who walked the Earth? Or could giants have had a hand in building the Great Pyramids, a feat that continues to baffle archaeologists and engineers alike?

Similarly, ancient myths from cultures around the world, such as the Nephilim in the Bible or the Greek Titans, describe gigantic beings that interacted with humans. Are these mere myths, or could they be remnants of a forgotten truth, passed down through oral traditions and later transformed into legend?

Questioning the Scientific Consensus

I want to stress that I am not a scientist; I am simply a thinker who believes in the value of questioning established ideas. Our understanding of history is constantly evolving. Time and time again, archaeological discoveries have shifted our understanding of ancient human civilizations. Who’s to say we won’t someday uncover evidence that challenges our current view of prehistoric life?

Science is about asking questions, exploring possibilities, and not being afraid to rethink long-held beliefs. While it’s true that no definitive evidence of giant humans has been uncovered, it’s equally true that there are many mysteries about our planet’s distant past that remain unsolved. Even today, new species of dinosaurs and early humans are being discovered, suggesting that there is still so much more to learn.

What if we haven’t found giant human remains because we haven’t been looking for them – or because we aren’t prepared to recognise them when we do? It’s possible that such remains have been misidentified, or that the existence of giant humans doesn’t fit within our current understanding of history, and therefore has been overlooked or dismissed.

An Appeal to Open Minds

I am not claiming to have definitive proof of my theory. I am simply asking the scientific community and curious minds alike to consider the possibility. Throughout history, many great discoveries have been made by individuals who dared to question the status quo. Galileo, Darwin, and Einstein were all considered outsiders at one point, and their ideas radically transformed our understanding of the world.

Could it be that our ancestors – giants included – left us clues in the form of the incredible structures they built? Could they have vanished in the same extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs, leaving only their stories and their monumental works behind?

I challenge researchers, archaeologists, and historians to re-examine ancient structures and myths with an open mind. While I may not have the credentials of a scientist, I believe that asking these questions is important. Humanity’s past is far more complex than we realise, and we owe it to ourselves to explore every possibility, no matter how improbable it may seem.


While my theory may seem unconventional, I believe it’s worth exploring. The idea that giant humans could have existed and contributed to the construction of ancient structures offers a fresh perspective on our distant past. I encourage everyone to remain open to the possibility and to continue seeking answers. If nothing else, it’s the questions we ask today that will shape the discoveries of tomorrow.

In the end, I am just a thinker. But perhaps that’s where all great discoveries begin – with a single thought, a question, and a willingness to explore the unknown.

By presenting this theory to the world, I hope to inspire curiosity and encourage people to question what they think they know. Our history is still being written, and who knows what mysteries await us just beneath the surface? Let’s keep an open mind and see where our journey into the past may lead.

Too crazy?

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