Climate change and the integrity of science

It is an established fact that climate changes, and it will continue to do so regardless of human influence. These are the only incontrovertible facts we have. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert that individual or collective human actions cannot prevent the inherent process of climate change.

The discussion surrounding the rate of climate change is fundamentally flawed. What constitutes an appropriate rate of change? Who has determined the optimal rate, and on what basis?

The narrative of a climate change emergency, sometimes referred to pejoratively as “voodoo science,” has been used to support the green industry. This sector has, in turn, generated employment opportunities. One of the government’s primary functions is to foster job creation and economic growth, and promoting the climate change agenda serves this purpose.

While I do not hold governments accountable for encouraging scientists to alter and distort scientific data to support the climate change agenda, I do hold scientists responsible, as I have a deep respect for the integrity of science.

P.S. Before labelling me a denier, understand this: I acknowledge that climate changes. It always has and always will.

P.S.S. And before you ask, of course, we must look after our planet.

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